band council

DCHP-2 (Oct 2016)
n. Aboriginal, especially First Nations

the elected government of a First Nations reserve.

Type: 5. Frequency Band council is used in official contexts to refer to First Nation government bodies in Canada (see, e.g. AANDC reference). It does not seem to be in use in other locations to refer to First Nation governments. The term is most frequent in Canada (see Charts 1 and 2).
See also COD-2, s.v. "band council", and Gage-5, s.v. "band council", which are marked as "Cdn".
See: band ((1)) ((n.)),reservemeaning (2)


The Reserve Mine provides steady employment and is run on a co-operative basis. A representative body of Indian miners and members of the Blackfoot band council meet with the Indian Agent, stationed at Gleichen, when agreements are made as to prices, wages and general development.
The bill reeks of shallow thinking and contradiction. It holds out citizenship rights as a reward for Indians considered "qualified" to exercise them, but does nothing to aid them to qualify. It says a band council may conduct its municipal business when the band "has reached an advanced stage of development."
The band made a slide presentation to the forum on their claim and answered questions. Musqueam band council member Arnold Guerin said the band is laying claim to the entire UEL. [...] But Guerin and other band members said they would not use the land for commercial development, and would not build on it until they use the remaining land on their reserve.
The dissidents are opposing a proposed $23.4 million land claim reached by the band council with the federal government.
First Nations should assume control over their affairs, but that will be done at different speeds. No band council that lacks the trust of its people will convince them to throw off the chains that bind the reserve to Indian Affairs, under the godfather-like watch of a federal minister.
Grand Chief Derek Nepinak, of the Manitoba Assembly of First Nations Chiefs, arrived Sunday to offer his assistance to Elsipogtog and its band council.



        Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 24 Oct. 2013

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 24 Oct. 2013

Chart 3: Internet Domain Search, 21 Mar. 2016

Chart 3: Internet Domain Search, 21 Mar. 2016